On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Michael Shiloh
<michaelshiloh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can even download the free Arduino IDE (arduino.cc) and use the simple
> pulldown menu (Tools->Serial Port) to find the serial port.
> Sometimes I have to run Arduino as root (sudo arduino) to get full access to
> the port. This is a bug on my laptop, because I don't have this problem on
> all my Linux machines, but I'm mentioning it in case it bites you as well.
> (Yes, I checked that I'm in the dialout group or whatever it's called)

Sounds like a udev problem. Ran into that a while ago, had to add a
udev rule to override it. Was it RH/Fedora? I had to make 'nobody' a
member of dialout too.

my .sigfile is on vacation.
I filter everything with an application/ms-* mimetype.
I write code: https://github.com/indrora/ https://bitbucket.org/indrora/

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