... According to opkg's documentation:

opkg is able to install .deb packages directly, without modification. There
may be issues concerning postinst scripts, however.


... Just a thought,

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Vitus Jensen <vjen...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Jun 2013, Jernej Turnsek wrote:
>  thank you very much for your fast reply. We are heavily relying on
>> Openembedded environment for building Angstrom distribution and I am not
>> shure how to switch to debian in this development phase, but I will look
>> into. Is there any other way to hold on Angstrom and enable debian
>> packaging system? Any experience?
> Hi Jernej,
> we are using openembedded (classic) to build images for our tqm5200s-based
> hardware and selected the angstrom distribution, too.  However a
> considerable amount of applications are added to the machine after the
> image has been installed for customizing and those we build via cmake as
> .deb archives and install via opkg.
> So it all depends on how you define "debian packaging system".  No problem
> to install debian packages, it should IMHO also be feasable to write a
> dpkg-wrapper for opkg.  Do you really need more?  The exact files dpkg
> tends to use?
> Bye,
>    Vitus
> --
> Vitus Jensen, Hannover, Germany, Universe (current)
> pgp public key available from keyservers
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