Hi Eliot
I assumed it to be collocates with the RA and that the CA is separate.

Ok, well there we have it ;-)

I should have been more specific. I was referring to the EST request.  The 
BRSKI request regarding the voucher is assumed to a proxy residing inside the 
plant. I assumed a strong binding of EST and BRSKI.

Right.  And so with this, I think we do indeed have some questions:
·         Does the registrar have to play the role of “store and forward” and 
retain state or is it better to say, “Call me back another time”?
[stf] yes, store and forward would be what I have in mind.
·         If we do want the registrar to retain state, then intermediate states 
need to be defined in EST, and perhaps in other mechanisms as well, to say, “Do 
you have my credential now?”
[stf] This would be one way of doing it, although I’m not sure about the state 
enhancement as EST utilizes the binding to the TLS connection in the PKCS#10 
request. And for an asynchronous operation, a self-containing container 
allowing a local (protected) storage may be better. This depends on the 
security of the domain registrar. There are further enrollment protocols, which 
feature this property. But from your answer before I gathered, that there is a 
1:1 binding between BRSKI and EST. Technically, it should also be possible to 
also utilize alternative enrollment protocols.
·         If we are assuming that the registrar and the CA are not co-resident, 
then there is a question of protecting the credential, as you mention.  Should 
that credential returned be encrypted?
[stf] Probably not in every case. I would hope that each enrolling device is 
generating its key pair locally and only performs the certification 
request/response with the target PKI. But I’m sure there are also scenarios, in 
which also centrally generated keys is favored (e.g., if there is not 
sufficient entropy on the enrolling device). In the latter case encryption 
would be required.
And so the real question, to me, is whether or not we are handling the case 
where one has something of a roaming CA, where it is only present on occasion, 
or has to handle (re)enrolments periodically.
[stf] Re-enrollment is an interesting question, but I think it could be handled 
in a similar way as the initial enrollment, assumed, it is initiated before the 
window of CA connectivity.



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