Dear Chairs,

I would like to ask for the a time slot for my new individual draft.
    Topic/Title:                                BRSKI-CLE: A Certificateless 
Enrollment protocol in BRSKI
    Name of Presenter(s):             Lei YAN
    Length of time requested:      20 min
    Name of draft(s) discussed:   draft-yan-anima-BRSKI-CLE-00

Best regards

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Anima <> On Behalf Of 蒋胜
> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 10:33 AM
> To: anima <>
> Cc: anima-chairs <>; Toerless Eckert <>
> Subject: [Anima] Call for agenda items ANIMA@IETF117@ San Francisco
>The preliminary IETF117 agenda is on the web.
>ANIMA WG will meet at IETF117 for one 2 hour slot:
>Wednesday July 26th, 09:30-11:30 (Session I), Plaza B, MEETING TIMEZONE (San 
>Please submit your requests for Agenda items in reply to this email, as soon 
>as possible.
>The chairs plan to make WG draft agenda before 7/14/2023, so would be great if 
>you could submit your agenda requests in before!
>Note that you do not need to have the slides by the time you're asking for the 
>Please send requests to
>Copy if you like.
>    Topic/Title
>   Name of Presenter(s)
>    Length of time requested
>    If applicable: name of draft(s) discussed
>Also: Once you have your slides, go to:
>and upload your slides via the "Propose Slides" Button (pick either of the two 
>slots as you see fit).
>Please also remember to (re-)start discussing any non-WG adopted work also on 
>the mailing list to encourage WG members to read your work and 
>More details about the IETF 117 will be found at:
>Thank you so much!
>ANIMA WG Chairs,
>Anima mailing list
Anima mailing list

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