On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 17:06 +0200, blackday...@gmail.com wrote:
> Dear users of quantum GIS,
> I have a problem with installation of adehabitat on my computer. I
> download and install animove and R to the PC. But when I want
> calculate the MCP or kernel polygon, then my PC put up the message -
> R error (please consult its documentation) is:
> Error in function (x, method = c("mcp", "href", "lscv", "hadj",
> "clusthr", :
> This procedure requires adehabitat to be installed
> But I have R and adehabitat - I install and download adehabitat from
> server with R... Please can you write me detailed installation of
> adehabitat - step by step...

Hi Vlado,

we would help you right now but you didn't tell us:
- your operating system
- QGIS version
- how did you install QGIS (source, binary package, OSGeo4W, standalone)
- R version
- adehabitat version: see
- Python version

that is important, each platform has its own answers:


There are plenty of installation notes in the wiki and in the archives
of this mailing list. Of course if your problem is not covered, send the
list a mail with the details listed above, or better fill a ticket into


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