On Mon, 05 Nov 2012 09:05:22 +0900
Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:

> Il 05/11/2012 02:38, Anne Ghisla ha scritto:
> > As I said in other discussions, it is more difficult and lenghty to
> > re-develop all code including the algorithms. 
> numpy makes this easy.
> > A shorter and equally
> > functional solution is keeping R algorithms and rewrite the
> > connector 
> > + interface.
> this is a very good alternative, even though it still requires R, who
> proved over the years to be a significant nuisance for many users to
> install.
> the beauty of a Pure Python solution would be that no additional
> installation wold be required. Franky, installing R just for having
> kernel calculations seems overshooting.

I agree that a pure Python solution is easier to install. But keep in
mind that if algorithms are changed, there is nothing left from "old"
homerange plugin, and the new one will require a different name. 

> > Sextante already collaborates very well with R, without needing
> > rpy2, so my idea is to rewrite the plugin in a way that well-tested
> > R algorithms are still used. 
> nice
> > My estimate is of a week of work, in order to migrate all
> > functionality and provide a user-friendly suite of tests that will
> > help users in isolating plugin errors.
> I do not think the rewrite of kernels should take more than two days,
> so efforts are comparable.

It took much more time for Clément to write a stable, reliable set of
algorithms in R. I would not underestimate the time needed to develop a
production-ready solution.

> > I am not available shortly for this work, but can give more
> > information to the developer who wants to complete it.

> anyone available? of course, who works (or pays) decides :)

As the author of HomeRange plugin, I'd like to be involved in the
important decisions for the future of the plugin, or its successor. I
am willing to help in solving present problems, so any robust decision
on the implementation has my support.

> all the best, and thanks for your thoughts.


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