On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 1:38:06 AM UTC-8, hafizh wrote:
> I notice that the tasks are very 'strict'. Once we provide an optional 
> param, the rest of the lists must provide it too. 
> Say. I want to create two users:
>     vars:
>       - users:
>         - { name: test1, uid: 1234 }
>         - { name: test2 }
> Ideal case would be:
>     tasks:
>         - name: creating user
>           user: name={{ item.name }} uid={{ item.uid }}
>           with_items: users
>     ie, I hope Ansible will be smart enough to ignore the optional 'uid' 
> for 'test2' but it wont. 
Actually, I think that you can do this, with a little creativity...

  - users:
    - { name: test1, uid: 1234}
    - { name: test2}

  -name: Create user
   debug: msg="user name={{item.name}} {% if item.uid is defined %} 
'uid='{{item.uid}}{% endif %}"
   with_items: users

And here was the output from my testing...
TASK: [debug msg="user name={{item.name}} {% if item.uid is defined %} 
'uid='{{item.uid}}{% endif %}"] *** 
ok: [] => (item={'name': 'test1', 'uid': 1234}) => {
    "item": {
        "name": "test1", 
        "uid": 1234
    "msg": "user name=test1  'uid='1234"
ok: [] => (item={'name': 'test2'}) => {
    "item": {
        "name": "test2"
    "msg": "user name=test2 "

Of course you would want to replace the
debug: msg="user name={{item.name}} {% if item.uid is defined %} 
'uid='{{item.uid}}{% endif %}"
user: name={{item.name}} {% if item.uid is defined %} 'uid='{{item.uid}}{% 
endif %}
but I think that that should work...  It is certainly worth a try... :-)



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