Ansible has grown rapidly over time and has benefitted greatly from all the
collaborators and contributors on github.

One slight disadvantage to Ansible's success is the volume of tickets
created each day in the ticketing queue. We find ourselves spending a lot
of time asking for the basic data we need to help solve bug reports or to
understand what a pull request offers.

In more "enterprisey" bug trackers, there are many many fields a user has
to fill out when creating a ticket. Usually the end users are discouraged
by the number of fields and will simply stop filling them out or even
making tickets. However, these fields help project managers and other
contributors group issues into buckets to work smarter on solving lots of
tickets at once. Constantly context switching between issues of different
types is difficult for people like myself.

Our solution is to bring a little bit more "enterprise" to the github issue
tracker without slowing down issue creation for the users. We have built a
robot that will examine all new issues and verify the description matches a
*simple* markdown template.

If the description does not contain the headers in the template, a warning
will be added to the comments. If the description is not corrected within 7
days, the issue will be closed.

Ansibot is now running and some of you may have already noticed comments in
your issues.

The messaging, features and algorithms behind this bot will no doubt evolve
over time and we will do everything we can to make the bot helpful rather
than annoying.

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