I don't want to be political, but what's the point on working on
abortive standards.  It is cumbersome technically to support
alternative java-like languages, and this may take away momentum
for existing java support and future developments.  Also, I fail
to see the point to support a language that will forever only run
on one environment: Windows.


On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 02:06  PM, Joseph S. Barrera III wrote:

> Is anyone out there using Ant to compile java with Microsoft's J#?
> I can see three possible approaches:
> 1. Extend the javac task to understand jc.exe (the J# compiler)
> 2. Use an existing compiler type recognized by javac, e.g. jvc,
>     and then write a cover script to transform arguments into a
>     form expected by jc.exe
> 3. Give up and just use the exec task instead of javac
> I'd really like to avoid choice 3.
> I'm expecting to do choice 2.
> But I'd love to have choice 1 possible, either because
> someone has already done the work, or because it's
> not that hard to do and I can just do it myself.
> Comments? Help? Please?
> Thanks,
> - Joe
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