Emir Alikadic wrote:
> Joe, I really envy you: with clients like that, I could finally buy that BMW
> Z8 and build that jacuzzi my girlfriend keeps nagging me about.  Of course,
> I'm not too sure when would my ethics finally kick in, forcing me to tell
> these poor suckers what the reality is.

Emir, maybe you have not noticed, but reality is determined by the
people who HAVE money. If they make a mistake, they pay someone to fix
it for them, all the while distracting the public so they won't notice
what is happening behind the curtain. Why do you think Microsoft
commands such power. If they can convince customers to BUY something
that isn't on the market yet, then what do these people deserve?

BTW, can we come over for a jacuzzi party? I wouldn't mind trying the
Z8, either.


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