I'm not an expert, but it's unclear to me why you expect this to work.  If
you execute javac from the command line, does it create the directories for
you?  (When I try something similar, it doesn't happen that way.  The .class
file is put in the same directory as the .java file.)

Also, from http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html
"When the source files are part of a package, the directory structure of the
source tree should follow the package hierarchy."

Although I think this is actually referring to the logic ant uses to
determine if the file needs to be recompiled.

Matt Moran

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: <javac> not creating package subdirectories

> the following task (only 1 java file)
> <javac srcdir="${src}/api" optimize="on" classpathref="classpath"/>
> creates a .class file in the ${src}/api directory, even though the java
file has this statement
> package enCommerce.getAccess.API.User;
> I expect it to create the directories enCommerce/getAccess/API/User and
put the class file there.
> That screws up my following task
>     <jar destfile="${distr}/getextapi.jar"  filesonly="true">
>         <fileset dir="${src}/api">
>                 <include name="**/*.class"/>
>         </fileset>
>     </jar>
> what did I not do right?
> Should I organize the source directory structure according to the package
> I move the java file to ${src}/api/enCommerce/getAccess/API/User/*.java
> and I got the desired result.
> Is that what's supposed to happen?
> tia
> Suu Quan
> 408-553-7155  (cell 408-420-6687)
> Configuration Management & Release Engineering
> Agilent Technologies
> Bldg 54, between Posts G4-G5
> 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd
> Santa Clara, CA 95051
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