Can Any one mail me the deployement steps of the EJB
Apps on WebLogic 6.1 using the ANT.Just the steps
which is necessary for me to initiate the deployement
and the EJB app runiing whose cleint may be a servlet.
Expect to hear from  you soon.
Thanks in advance 
Uday Singh
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> the following task (only 1 java file)
> <javac srcdir="${src}/api" optimize="on"
> classpathref="classpath"/>
> creates a .class file in the ${src}/api directory,
> even though the java file has this statement
> package enCommerce.getAccess.API.User;
> I expect it to create the directories
> enCommerce/getAccess/API/User and put the class file
> there.
> That screws up my following task
>     <jar destfile="${distr}/getextapi.jar" 
> filesonly="true">
>         <fileset dir="${src}/api">
>                 <include name="**/*.class"/>
>         </fileset>
>     </jar>
> what did I not do right?
> Should I organize the source directory structure
> according to the package structure?
> I move the java file to
> ${src}/api/enCommerce/getAccess/API/User/*.java
> and I got the desired result.
> Is that what's supposed to happen? 
> tia
> Suu Quan
> 408-553-7155  (cell 408-420-6687)
> Configuration Management & Release Engineering
> Agilent Technologies
> Bldg 54, between Posts G4-G5 
> 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd
> Santa Clara, CA 95051
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