On 06/11/2015 15:22, Sascha Luck [ml] wrote:
On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 10:01:33AM -0500, Jeffrey Race wrote:

The matter of  the "defining discussion goal" will have to be
taken up in order to make progress on this list's putative
purpose of "anti-abuse."

Had you read the charter of this WG, you would have learned that
its purpose is to *discuss* abuse, not to stamp it out.
And I will say again, you will NOT define what the goals or
contents of discussion in this WG are.

Not quite.

The provision of advice and, importantly "Discuss and disseminate information on technical and non-technical methods of preventing or reducing network abuse."

So we're not just discussing abuse, we're trying to figure out how to prevent or reduce it.

Obviously the utter stamping out would would be lovely, but none of us where feeling quite that quixotic when we came up with the charter. :)

For everyone's reference: https://www.ripe.net/participate/ripe/wg/anti-abuse


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