On Thu, 5 Jan 2017 16:43:44 +0000
Michele Neylon - Blacknight <mich...@blacknight.com> wrote:
> Nobody is forcing anyone to use RPZ. There are thousands of IETF
> documents covering a multitude of technologies, both real and
> imagined (just look at the avian carriers series). 
You are missing important facts in your truthful statement...
(so I am agreeing with you 100% - But, you need to add the rest of the truth)

The Bind software is the dominant DNS software on the planet.

The IETF doc, relating to RPZ - is intended for Bind ops.

If left unchallenged, RPZ will become a standard (RFC)

Which will legitimize it. 

NONE of the other real and imagined docs you refer to have anywhere
near the same potential direct impact.

But, as you are arguing this, I am sure that you will tell me why I am

I am sure that you will also send me a link to a document that defines
protocols for fraud, theft and crime?

Also, where are the lines then? I mean is hacker tools, cracking
software, theft and fraud okay and we do not support child porn? 

Or are you saying that child porn is also okay? Not clear on what you
are saying Michelle? Are you saying that RPZ is okay? That there are
worse abuse out there and we should not be concerned with dns abuse?

I do understand that people are free to use cracker  and hacker
tools, free to commit theft, fraud and do whatever their little hearts desire. 

What I am objecting to, is that non ethical software and systems are
being legitimized.

> Personally I used to have issues with the concept of RPZ when it was
> first raised years ago, but my views have changed over time, though
> apparently you only discovered it a couple of weeks ago. In any case,

I honestly thought that "someone" would stand up and say something as
it is so very wrong that it was unimaginable that it would gain so much

> like so many other technologies, it is a tool. People using RPZ do so
> for a variety of reasons and they should be free to do so. Many of us
> use DNSBLs to protect our users’ inboxes from spam, phishing and
> other junk. RPZ is a different tech, but in the end is just another
> tool in our toolbox.
> And please don’t bring Trump (or any other politician) into this.
> Apart from anything else this is a RIPE list not an ARIN one ☺
I could have used eu examples, but, this being RIPE... 
(usa examples are less direct)

- The point I made was: The World Has Changed. 
(that goes for the eu/usa/africa/all)


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