In message , ac <> writes
>On Wed, 18 Jul 2018 12:45:35 +0100
>Richard Clayton <> wrote:
>> In message <>,
>> Michele Neylon - Blacknight <> writes
>> >What's any of this got to do with RIPE and this WG?  
>> the issue of mail bombing ... people getting 20K+ emails in their
>> mailbox, each of which is individually quite acceptable is something
>> which the industry has been struggling with for well over a year
>and so this still begs the question - what is the arbitrary number?

in my experience the canonical arbitrary number is 42

>It seems as if both Richard and Michele agree and do not think that the
>arbitrary number of 5 verification emails in ten minutes to a victim email
>address, is abuse or abusive behavior.

Michele did not express such an opinion and neither did I.

>Still it would be interesting to know if this is actually the case. If
>nothing under 20 000 "verify your email address" emails per day from
>the same IP number / resource is not abuse - Then it would be good to
>know that the members of this abuse WG think that I am silly with my
>daily limit of three.

You appear to have misunderstood the mail bombing attack which is widely
distributed. The 20000 emails I suggested (as an indicative figure, your
attack may vary) come from up to 20000 different sources -- so very
small numbers from each source, thereby avoiding any rate limitation

There is usually just one originating server that automates the filling
in of forms on the various websites that send the verification emails --
though there appear to be multiple criminals offering the mail bombing

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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