In message <>,
Carlos Friaças <> writes

>The misuse of AS numbers was not seen (maybe until now...) as a frequent 
>event (and thus a priority), 

Then you have not been looking at various announcements of Chinese
address space and asking yourself whether or not you think that it is
plausible or not that a large Chinese ISP would be buying transit for a
small subset of their space from this small out-of-region hosting
company :-(

>but if someone is (mis)using an AS number 
>that belongs to a third party, then it should also be stated in writing 
>that this practice is a violation of RIPE policy -- and of course, allow a 
>path for the affected party to issue a report about that.

AIUI the current discussion is intended to allow the proposer to refine
what they are proposing...

... in a world where RPKI is gaining some traction, the misuse of AS
numbers (to tag onto hijacked prefixes) is going to become more common.
I can see no reason to separate out this wickedness.

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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