In message <>, Ronald F.
Guilmette <> writes
>In message <>, 
>Richard Clayton <> wrote:
>>Yes hijacks can be simple to understand -- but they can be very complex
>>and perfectly legitimate activity can look like a hijack until a lot of
>>detail has been considered.
>I'm a simple minded man, and I guess I'm perplexed by this.
>Isn't the whole point of route registries generally and RIPE's in particular
>supposed to be to make it easy for pretty much any arbitrary outsider to
>look at a given block and a given route to that block and conclude that
>the two -do- in fact properly go together, or conversely, that they do not?

not everything is in a route registry --- and you may recall some
previous work that I did showing that the mere presence of entries in a
route registry is no guarantee that it reflects an actual peering


note of course that some changes have been made since then which improve
the situation as regards out-of-area space

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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