Hi Nick,

As it has been observed several times, the actual validation system is 
extremely weak and very easy to avoid, so 99% useless.

If I put in my abuse-c your email (just an example). The validation will pass, 
and you will never notice that I've used your email to fake the system.

So, clearly is the wrong way.

If two validations are done per year, I don't think this is significant 
overhead for any resource holder vs the benefits of the time saving for the 
same resource holders that need to use the abuse mailbox of a counterparty that 
today is escaping from a real validation and creating troubles with abuse 
emails to someone else.

Anyone failing in repetitive ocassions to comply with policies is subjected to 
further NCC scrutiny, including account closure. This is a different policy 
already in place. If we don't like that, we should change that policy, but then 
we don't need policies anymore. Policies are the rules for the community to be 
respected by all, and not having an administrative enforcement by the NCC is 
the wilde west.


El 16/5/19 23:38, "anti-abuse-wg en nombre de Nick Hilliard" 
<anti-abuse-wg-boun...@ripe.net en nombre de n...@foobar.org> escribió:

    Gert Doering wrote on 16/05/2019 21:47:
    > No positive effect, but lots of negative side-effects.
    Abuse mailboxes are already checked.  What matters for abuse management 
    is whether reports are acted on.  This policy doesn't address that.
    If the RIPE NCC is instructed to send 6-monthly reminders to all abuse 
    contacts with the implicit threat that if they aren't acted on in the 
    way specified in this policy, that the organisation in question can look 
    forward to having their addressing resources vapourised, this will 
    aggravate the RIPE NCC membership and corrode community trust in the 
    organisation.  The one thing it won't do is make abuse management better.
    Internet abuse management is not something that you're going to fix by 
    beating LIRs with sticks, and if they don't react, that you threaten to 
    beat them harder.
    Separate to this, it's inappropriate to micromanage the NCC in RIPE 
    policy.  It would be good if the RIPE working groups stopped trying to 
    tell the RIPE NCC people how to do their jobs.

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