In message <>, Nick
Hilliard <> writes

>Marco Schmidt wrote on 05/09/2019 14:23:
>> The RIPE NCC has prepared an impact analysis on this latest proposal 
>> version to support the community’s discussion. You can find the full 
>> proposal and impact analysis at:
>that is as damning an impact analysis as I've ever seen, and it sends a 
>clear signal that the proposal would not solve the root problem while 
>simultaneously being very harmful to the RIPE NCC.
>I'd like to suggest to the chairs that this proposal be formally 
>dropped.  It's taken up a good deal of working group time at this point 
>and there is an obvious lack of consensus that the proposal should be 
>adopted as a policy.

It will take me a while to set out all the detail as to the technical
difficulties the experts would face if this was ever to become a policy,
so in the interests of not having to put the effort into doing that I
fully endorse this approach (though I hope that the proposers will read
the list and save the chairs from having to make the decision).

(( You will all have read my previous emails -- there will not be much
new in my detailed analysis, but it will doubtless be of some use  to
collect it all together if this deeply flawed proposal is to stagger on
yet longer ))

BTW: it should be noted that the ARIN Board of Trustees threw out the
same proposal when it was made there...

... also (on a brighter note), although law enforcement does move slowly
in this space, it does indeed move.

(and there a couple more cases in the pipeline).

richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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