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Dear Jacques,
             I agree with you on every point you make.
There may some wisdom at the moment in focusing our
attention on the Western/NATO policy makers who are
creating and exacerbating conflicts around the world,
but we can't afford to forget the betrayal of the
Yeltsin clique, which the Putin government seems to be
continuing, of not only Yugoslavia, but Russia itself
as well as other peoples and regions.
Just yesterday Vladimir Putin laid a wreath on the
grave of Mannerheim in Finland, Hitler's ally in World
War II in the invasion of the then USSR.
A distinction should always be made, as you've done,
between Russia as a nation and the Russians as a
people - who have consistently demonstrated solidarity
with the people of Yugoslavia and the Balkans in
general and firm opposition to NATO expansion and
aggression, and whichever particular person (lately
with Western bribes and 'election assistance') is head
of state.
Leaders come and go, mass sentiment lasts.
Defending Yugoslavia in 1999 - with all means at its
disposal - was the best way of Russia also defending
itself. Those who abandoned Yugoslavia then are
complicit in the drive of NATO to encircle Russia.
I trust the Russian people to know how to deal with
such behavior.

--- Jacques Protic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> K, Many of us have been lead to accept the
> explanation as you have outlined,
> having said this I feel this is a feeble excuse on
> the part of Russians to
> justify their inactions. (the fact is that the
> overwhelming majority of
> Russian popular opinion and certainly amongst armed
> forces has always been
> and still is very pro - Yugoslav). Unfortunately for
> Yugoslavia, I believe
> the behind the scenes politics between the two
> (Moscow / Washington), has
> resulted in my opinion in the Russian fudge which
> deserted Yugoslavia (not
> Milosevic) at the perhaps most crucial point in
> their history. Even our
> Chinese friends who purport to be Yugoslav friends
> have chosen to remain
> neutral by abstaining from key UN votes. Jacques PS
> - I would like to know,
> why the state of the art Russian anti - aircraft
> weapons have not been
> provided prior and during the bombing (sorry I must
> have forgot the UN
> embargo that Russians have supported)! What happened
> to the Russian
> satellite and other forms of intelligence when
> Croatia attacked Slavoinia
> with massive US logistic and other support
> particularly after the US have
> downgraded Bosnian - Serb military communications!
> by pre-emptive and timely
> bombing???? If I was cynical I would assume Russians
> have been bought of and
> ignoring the public posturing on Star wars etc we
> may even see Russia as a
> full NATO member, sooner than later! Finally,
> Yeltsin is history, look out
> for Putin deeds on the same issues.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday September 03 2001 18:04
> Subject: Re: Why Russia Didn't Veto the ICTY
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> Dear Party of Citizens,
> the Russian position in the Balkans is complex, but
> was definately colored
> by animosity between the Yeltsin clan and Milosevic,
> b/c this last one
> suported the "hardliner coup" in late August 1991
> and also supported the
> forces of the parliament during the October 1993
> standoff where Yeltsin
> order tanks to supress Russian communists and
> nationalists who were opposing
> his policies.  Russia failed to use its veto on a
> number of key occasions
> especially during the Bosnian war.
> cheers!
> Kole
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