
<<<<He'd be saying that that government gave women 
freedom, educated the children, was trying to bring Afghanistan out 
of the 
7th century.>>>>

 Dear Heather,

 the Afghan Islamist reenactment of the 7th century is something 
to oppose, but, imposing western values, for the sake of bringing a 
country out of the  7th century, is not *necessarily* a good thing. 

David O Q


On 12 Jan 02, at 0:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ---------------------------
> Richard, 
> They (before-Gorbachev leaders in the USSR)  were for socialism. Can you 
> imagine them all taking money today from the bourgeiosie and saying nothing 
> about the death of socialism in the USSR? I guess I can't. 
> I am passionately on the side of the working class around the world. Those 
> who oppose it or who lend themselves to defending capitalism are the enemies 
> of the children of the world, they are the enemies of freedom and dignity. 
> I cannot imagine anyone who I respect working consciously for the foundations 
> and think tanks taking blood money to live and "work," as Michial Gorbachev 
> does. He is a class enemy. If he were not, he'd be criticising everything; 
> poverty, the wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, the World Bank, the IMF, WTO. 
> He's be organizing Russians to take back their nation by force of arms from 
> the felons who are destroying it. He's be in the streets of Moscow and (I 
> hate this name) St. Petersberg (Leningrad, for goodness sake, LENINGRAD!!), 
> with the workers, on strike, looting the food stores, defying authorities. 
> Organizing, fighting, agitating. 
> He'd be telling the world that the USSR came to the aid of the Marxist 
> government in Afghanistan because the US and Pakistan was supporting the 
> feudal brutal Mujahadeen. He'd be saying that that government gave women 
> freedom, educated the children, was trying to bring Afghanistan out of the 
> 7th century. And the US, in its most expensive CIA contra war EVER destroyed 
> it.supporting the Taliban and the Northern alliance and the heroin trade. 
> Gorbachev would talk truth. Silence. he is silent. 
> I don't know who you are, Richard, but you must remember the part in John 
> Reed's Ten Days that Shook the World in which a revolutionary soldier stopped 
> a bourgeois group from promenading across a bridge and walking past the 
> building that housed the Bolshevik government. When they asked to pass, he 
> refused them, saying that either you were with the proleatiat or the 
> bourgeoisie, and the only people who could pass were with the proletariat. 
> Or do you know the US labor song, Which Side Are you On? 
> That is what this is about. This isn't about whether you think it was nice to 
> have Glastnost or Peristroika, it is about how these policies helped lead to 
> the destruction of the USSR and led to the wholesale death of the Soviet 
> people. And the end of revoulionary movements everywhere. 
> This temporary cessation of the foward movement of the working class will 
> have cost several hundred million lives around the globe by the time the 
> workers of the world finally organize revolution.
> Under socialism ,one can't afford to have well-intentioned policies. One must 
> fight agaisnt bourgeois tendencies and resist the imperialists who are always 
> going to try to annihilate socialism. 
> That cretin Fukayama talked about an end to histroy. The Enlightenment was 
> stopped. Capitalism won, all was ducky for the rich. It was not; but in the 
> 1980s and 1990s capitalism spread around the world like a terrible scourge 
> and the revolutionary immune system that was found WHILE THE USSR WAS STILL 
> EXTANT was destroyed. 
> Now that the capitalist system is globally tanking, now that the 
> overproduction in every nation is choking the economies, now that the only 
> real profits can be found in war, now the working class will be waking up. In 
> Argentina, the left has put aside their differences and is talking and 
> working together. In the US, young people are joining together to fight for 
> civil liberties and agaisnt war. These are small, but indicative 
> developments. 
> Are you  familiar with the Turner Thesis? This is the final appication of it. 
> The US has rub out of frontiers, the capitalists can't invest many more 
> places, the system has really outlived its usefulness, and   Gorbachev isn't 
> on the same page as those who know this. He worries about pollution. That's 
> nice.  So does the Sierra Club and the Boyscouts, but they aren't on the side 
> of the working class, and neither does that "great leader" you admire.
> Heather
> I will stop. 

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