
Friday, 15 March, 2002, 15:11 GMT

Former spies riot in South Korea
The spies used improvised flame throwers to attack

About 500 aging former spies have clashed with riot police in the South
Korean capital, Seoul, during a protest over compensation claims.
The men, most of whom are in their 60s, say that as secret agents they were
sent on highly dangerous infiltration missions to North Korea following the
civil war.

"We can no longer remain silent on our forgotten past"
 Lee Dong-an, former spy

They say they never received the recognition or compensation promised by the
government for their work.

The demonstrators used domestic gas cylinders as improvised flame throwers
as they fought running battles with the police.

A government official declined to confirm or deny that spies were ever sent
to North Korea.

Thousands missing

Correspondents say hundreds of South Korean secret agents were killed, and
more than 4,000 are still missing, after being sent to Communist North Korea
when the civil war ended in 1953.

The former spies, dressed in black uniforms, fought about 1,000 police with
metal sticks and gas canisters, which they set fire to and used as makeshift
flame throwers.

The protesters, many wearing red, blue and yellow headbands with "sent to
North Korea on spy mission" written on them, shouted "we demand an apology
and compensation".

The riot police were forced to retreat behind their shields until a fire
truck moved in to douse the flames from the burning gas canisters.

According to AFP, once demonstrator had to be hospitalised after slashing
himself with a knife in the protest.

'Broken promises'

Security forces prevented the demonstrators from marching toward nearby
government buildings.

The former operatives are demanding that the government pay the cash
bonuses, housing and other incentives that the government allegedly promised
them in return for infiltrating North Korea between 1953 and the early

"We could not speak out under duress under past governments. We can no
longer remain silent on our forgotten past," said 65-year-old Lee Dong-an,
who said he was sent to North Korea in 1967.

Last year, the National Assembly adopted a law to compensate the families of
spies who had been killed or wounded in action.

Under the new law they are entitled to claim up to 100m won ($77,000), plus
a monthly payment of 670,000 won ($515), but no compensation has been
offered to those who returned unhurt.

Government officials said many of the spies received compensation paid at
the end of their missions, something the former spies deny.

Experts say thousands of operatives were sent over the border to spy on the
North following the civil war.

Of those about 300 were killed and more than 4,000 are still listed as
missing, officials say.

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