
[Note that a citizen of Moldova, a UN member, is once
again referred to as a Bessarabian, the position of
the pro-Western government of Romania which
'derecognizes' Moldova the better to eventually absorb
Notice the tone of the following screed, one which
recalls the worst excesses of the Cold War.
The Western anti-war movement, while willing to
address imperialist intrigues and attacks anywhere
else in the world, is almost uniformly silent about
the current campaigns of subversion, intimidation and
outright aggression against the peoples of Yugoslavia,
Macedonia, Moldova, Greece, Slovakia, Belarus,
Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Ukraine and Ajaria.
A fatal blind spot if it's not soon remedied.]

March 23, 2002

Communist Terror in Republic of Moldavia 

A writer as beaten by Moldavian policemen in Kishinev 

Besserabian writer Emilian Galaicu-Paun was maltreated
on March 18th, in the presence of several witnesses,
by a group of civilians subsequently identified as
employees of the Domestic Affairs of the Republic of
Moldavia, a communiqué of the PEN Club of the Republic
of Moldavia reads. On March 18th, downtown Kishinev,
Emilian Galaicu-Paun and his brother were accosted and
beaten. According to a PEN Club of the Republic of
Moldavia communiqué, "without being summoned by the
Police, the two were put to the ground, hand-cuffed
and driven to the police station, where Emilian
Galaicu-Paun was communicated he was investigated only
as a witness". PEN Club of the Republic of Moldavia, a
branch of the World Organization of Writers,
headquartered in London, expresses its protest against
"these practices of totalitarian type of the police
forces in Kishinev". PEN Moldavian Club asked the
Domestic Affairs Ministry to elucidate this case of
"flagrant violation of human rights" and declares it
would monitor the investigations and would inform the
international organisms habilitated in the protection
of human rights. 

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