
 You're absolutely right, Heather. I would attribute this ignorance to 
the media's power to persuade and hegemony more generally. Take my  
parents, for example. I consider them to be quite "progressive" (as in 
relatively left wing -- especially  my mom) and, compared to most, 
critical consumers of information. Yet, I also get into countless 
argument with them over such issues as Yugoslavia and Zimbabwe (and with 
my Dad, the middle east)for the fact that while they are cynical of 
Western foreign policy, they tend to take media accounts at their face. 
In the case of my Dad and Yugo, he believes that the West "went to war 
with Yugo" to further their interests but won't discount all "of the 
stories" attributed to the Serbs. Why? Because he believes that 
"reporters aren't in the business to lie". In case of my mother, she's 
disturbed by "western meddling" in the Zimbabwean election but still 
won't dismiss the idea that Mugabe is bad. Both completely overlook the 
pattern that keeps repeating itself: ie., needing a bogeyman and 
fantastic stories of 'human rights abuses'  to justify imperialism.  

Yet concerning Cuba, as you yourself pointed out, even the most liberal 
(read: bourgeois) of people back its right to exist and to have Castro 
as its leader. For this reason, the option for the US elites of carrying 
out an outright invasion of the island is not on the table. Castro's too 
popular. And this popularity, in comparison to Milosevic's lackthereof, 
I  attribute to his assuming power in 60s; in a time of "progress" in 
comparison to Milosevic, who is associated with "backwardness", if you 
like. After Castro is gone, however, I would not discount this 

Anways, Had I not come across this list (thanks to Rick, who I met 
through the Jerusalem Post website) I would probably be as gullible as 
the rest. For example, I use to think Clinton was decent, Israel was 
acting in self defence, and considered CNN to be among the best 'news 
station around'. It goes to show that If I could be converted, so can 

> Hey guys,
>     This is all because the whole anti-globalization crew never understood 
> Yugoslavia, US/NATO/Gerrman/UK/ imperialism, they never  understood 
> Milosevic. Really, somehow they get to have a spft spot in their hearts 
> for 
> Castro and Cuba, maybe they were for the FMLN and the sandinistas, or 
> maybe 
> they support revolution in Colombia, but they are mad at Mugabe also and 
> have 
> this Tibet thing going, and worry about the millonaire Fulan Gongs, some 
> of 
> them never really understood that the USSR was actually beneficial for 
> workers and peasants. They were so busy being liberal and into the Cold 
> War 
> ideology that they missed the truth.
>     They never got that basic principle: what is good for the working class? 
> Capitalism or socialism. It's not too late.If they remember that the 
> press 
> lies all the time, they might re-evaluatte. 
>     This listserv started because some wonderful people understood about 
>     NATO 
> in Yugoslavia. In our movements and writing, we can rememeber March 24, 
> the 
> day that both the NAZIS and NATO/US chose to make war on Yugoslavia, and 
> re-dedicate ourselves to telling the truth about that war.
> Heather


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