----- Original Message -----
From: "Yon Derek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] perms

 > > Certainly... what I am working on is as close to live
 > > updating as possible of users for a subscription based
 > > website.. we are using a third party to charge cards and
 > > generate the accounts for us, so I have to work around that
 > > difficulty..
 > I'm interested in the on-line billing options. Would you care to share
 > who's doing the credit card charing and your experiences so far? I would
 > appreciate any real-life info.

I am in the process of signing up and getting their software installed on
my server.. I am using ccBill (www.ccbill.com)   I considered others, like
ibill.com  but ccBill came highly recommended, and some high volume
subscription sites use them...

Plus they are local to me, so I can drive over to their office and make a
nuisance of myself if I wanted to.. :)

Unfortunately they take 14.5% of the cut... but I don't have to write
ecommerce software, nor do I have to make unsafe connections over the
internet..  I could have used a merchant account and used url based
connections to handle the charging.. but until someone writes something so
I can make a ssl based outbound connection from my webserver I don't want
to do that since everything is sent out in clear and I don't want to risk

After the process is finished and I get it all to work with AOLserver I
will be glad to do a writeup over the trials and tribulations....

Though I will point out that when I first considered them I called them up
and spoke with their installation department and specifically asked about
AOLserver and got a "sure we can work with that, no problem" response.. and
yesterday when I started the process their response to the dual
passwd/group combo of ns_perm was "Uh, you use a group file, it won't
work... your .htaccess is requireing your .htpasswd to work with .htgroup
so it wont work.....

Kinda makes ya wonder doesn't it.. :)


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