No sweat.  Don't worry about the nsvhr - Jerry's docs are Very good.  But I
would like to try the compile of FreeTDS and nsfreetds soon.  I'll get a
clean Red Hat and proceed in the next few days if you don't mind me bugging
you when I run into trouble.  I'll just follow what docs I find online as to
using the makefiles.  I wil have to begin with the AOLserver compile and
installation, since I don't already have one on Linux.
Microsoft Certified Professional
"Knowledge is Power."

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, August 23, 2001 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: installing AOL Server on WINDOWS!

>On 2001.08.22, Mark Hubbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Do you have a [nsfreetds] binary that is compatible with Red Hat Linux
>> 7.0 or 7.1?
>Not yet.  Once there's a stable release, I'll probably also
>release binaries for the platforms that I have access to.
>> If not be prepared for some hand-holding on the C make.
>No problem at all.  Building the nsfreetds driver is really
>easy.  It's builing freetds itself that might require some
>hand-holding but if you're running on a fairly vanilla RedHat
>install, even that should go smoothly.
>> Also do you have an URL for a nsvhr setup doc?  I don't know where to
>> on that.  But it's a make-or-break issue for us, and a lot of other
>> companies I'm sure.  Any experience I get from doing it on Windows will
>> contrib'd back to the group.
>Off the top of my head, I don't know of any good nsvhr HOWTO's.  I'd
>start by looking at Jerry Asher's site at
>since I know Jerry's done some work with nsvhr.
>I could put together a very brief sketch as to how I've personally
>got nsvhr setup and working (and have since 3.0 was released) which
>may help get people started.  Let me try and find the time ... haha.
>-- Dossy
>Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Panoptic Computer Network             web:

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