I think you're both right.

It's interesting to see what netcraft does when you remove your
headers.  It's got three or four things that it tries to generate different
responses from your server.  Older ACS versions did remove the server
header, inadvertently I am pretty sure.

So amongst other things. netcraft would come GET /, and annoyed with
no server header, it would try GET /xyzzy, which would get an AOLserver
generated 404 that DID contain the server header.

I think netcraft has some other tricks up it's sockets.

Anyway, if you're going to remove the header, grep ALL your code, including


Jerry Asher                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1678 Shattuck Avenue Suite 161   Tel: (510) 549-2980
Berkeley, CA 94709               Fax: (877) 311-8688

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