On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 04:52:16PM -0500, Rob Mayoff wrote:

> I wrote a document about this a while back when I tried to make it all
> work at ArsDigita: <http://dqd.com/~mayoff/encoding-doc.html>. However,
> the code examples in that document apply to the ArsDigita versions of
> AOLserver (the last of which is 3.3+ad13). I hacked those versions to do
> character set translations. Probably none of the example code will work
> in the standard versions of AOLserver.

I pulled the charset-related changes out of 3.3+ad13 and forward-ported
them to 3.4.2, replacing the few charset tweaks introduced in AOLserver
3.4.  The patch includes your document.  Any takers?

So far it seems to work for us.  We only have to support UTF-8, but
the patch fixed problems with form submission.

Has anyone looked at the 4.x snapshot?  Does the internationalization
pass muster?

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