On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 05:44:43PM -0500, Peter M. Jansson wrote:

> I recently tried the Solaris malloc debugging facility, but the AOLserver
> (running ACS) went from taking about 5 minutes to start up to taking over
> 72 hours to start up.  AOLserver uses so much dynamic memory that any

Way back when, I tried a trial license of Insure++ with AOLserver, and
it was so slow as to be completely unusable.  Purify on the other hand
slows things down noticeably, but is very useful.

> I think electric fence is not thread-safe, which is a problem that a lot
> of the malloc debugging libraries have.

Maybe that's why I couldn't make Electric Fence work with AOLserver,
back when I tried 8 months or so ago.  It seemed to be working but
would find an "error" and halt AOLserver pretty much immediately,
while it was still starting up.  But then I got Purify, which AFAIK
covers everything that Electric Fence can do, so I didn't worry about

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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