On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 06:05 PM, Tim Moss wrote:

However I get this even with hosts that are mapped to a server.
The unpatched AOLserver4 emits that message every time it looks up a
hostname-mapped virtual server.  If you get a non-NULL value, then the
lookup was successful, and the connection will be processed normally; if
you get a NULL value next to the hostname, then that connection is hung.

I also get this warning in the log (once per server except for the first

[15/Jan/2003:23:03:26][2628.2412][-main-] Warning: cache: duplicate cache
name: ns:fastpath
I don't get this.  I haven't turned fastpath off, but I haven't configured
it, either.  I'd look at your server config to make sure you haven't
duplicated anything that shouldn't be duplicated.  Also you might want to
look at the modules loaded by each virtual and get rid of anything you don'
t absolutely need.

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