On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 07:33:25PM -0600, Fred Yankowski wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 04:19:05PM -0700, Roberto Mello wrote:
> > RewriteEngine on
> > RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRACE
> > RewriteRule .*   [F]
> That almost works, but the RewriteRule is missing the substitution
> string (even though that string seems to be ignored in this case):
>         RewriteRule .*  -  [F]
> That code needs to be repeated for each Apache VirtualHost, or
> inherited with this (also in each VirtualHost):
>         RewriteEngine on
>         RewriteOptions inherit

Great! Thanks for the fix and clarification.


+----|        Roberto Mello   -    http://www.brasileiro.net/  |------+
+       Computer Science Graduate Student, Utah State University      +
+       USU Free Software & GNU/Linux Club - http://fslc.usu.edu/     +
I'm a programmer, I don't do COBOL.

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