Makes sense. So what is cleared up in the interpreter after each request?
Looking at the slides, there is a "command table" and a "variable table".
Looking at Wojciech's post, it seems any procedures created/packages
loaded in the current interpreter stay there, is that correct? And what
about variables, are they preserved as well or cleared out? Is there ane
special consideration for any namespace variables? (ie: $::foo::bar)


Peter M. Jansson said:
> A new thread gets a new interp, but if you configure the server to start
> the max number of threads (maxthreads == minthreads), then the server
> will start all necessary threads at startup.  Because of all the
> copying, thread startup on AOLserver is fairly expensive (close to, if
> not more expensive than, forking a new process for CGI on a Unix
> system), so higher-volume sites will start all threads at server start.

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