Edward Wilson said:
> Why would the AOL team think so selfishly by removing
> virtual hosting?  Do they not care that others rely on
> their server?
You are quite passionate about this, aren't you? ;-) Although there was
virtual serving in 2.3, it was not hostname based. Personaly, I find that
instead of putting extra directives in one config file, moving them to
different config files and having some more lines in my start-up scripts
not really a big deal and certainly not something that significantly
breaks moving code from 2.3 to 3.0. The trade off is worth it considering
how much more lean and mean 3+ is! As an added bonus you get a completely
seperate environment!

I don't find AOL selfish at all for making any changes, they build a
kick-ass server for themselves and share it with the world, thank you very
much. They will not make application breaking changes because they are
their own major client and don't want to break their own apps. Looking at
the track record, maintaining almost 100% code compatibility from 1995 to
2003 (dispite architecture changes) is unheard of in the world of web
application servers!


PS: You are perfectly welcome to still run 2.3 if you want to! ;-)

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