FWIW - I have one client with approximately 10,000 domains being served
from a single Aolserver instance. We point all the domains to a single IP
and use a filter to pull the right gobbledy-goo from the database. Seems
to work fine - Aolserver ~3.4...

On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Tom Jackson wrote:

> Edward Wilson wrote:
> >Why would the AOL team think so selfishly by removing
> >virtual hosting?  Do they not care that others rely on
> >their server?
> >
> >
> Nothing was lost in removing virtual hosting, except the difficulty of
> mantaining
> a single config file for all those hosts. Since each server  takes up as
> much memory
> running separately as when combined, resources are not saved. This is
> very different
> from Apache which could easily run thousands of virtual hosts without
> increasing
> memory useage (since is spawned a new process for each request anyway).
>  With
> the style of virtual hosting in the pre 3.0 series, any change to a
> virtual server would require
> a restart of the entire process, bringing down every virtual host in the
> process. Since each
> virtual server was initialized separately, the time to restart was
> proportional to the number of
> virtual servers.
> I don't know what the current situation is with the new implimentation,
> but if it is the same, I can't see
> why it would be useful. I believe the config file problems are greatly
> reduced.
> In the mean time several users, including myself, developed virtual
> hosting using registered filters. This proved
> to be very efficient, even when written in tcl.
> --Tom Jackson
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