On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Tom Jackson wrote:

> I like the additional exposed api's very much. However, the virtual
> hosting changes to the core are unnecessary and don't have the entire
> effect required for virtual hosting. The main problem is the virtual
> hosting changes  only adjust the filters, they don't affect the
> pageroot, making the fastpath registered proc ineffective. Static
> content therefore is not handled by this virtual hosting suggestion.

Thta is not exactly true. They adjust both url filters and handlers
registered in urltrie.  You can easily enhance fastpath registered proc to
take pageroot from arg given to registration and then you can serve static
content from virtual host pageroot. You can achive that and even more with
my second proposal, ns_url2file_map command which is vserver aware.

Anyway my proposal is not strictly virual hosting solution. It allows some
kind of virtual hosting - handling many urlspaces in one server. Very
often you may need virtual hosting as available in AOLserver 4.x which
gives you further separation. Both aproaches are complementary in my

> I just added the nsrewrite module to sourceforge cvs. This module is a
> very small and simple extension module for AOLserver that doesn't muck
> with the core at all. It provides the same functionality by changing the
> request url. Once the request url is changed, the next registered filter
> or proc in the chain fires on the new url. The documentation for
> nsrewrite gives an example of a simple virtual hosting module: a few
> lines of tcl code. Each virtual server gets a new pageroot and you can
> easily register new filters or procs that only fire on one virtual server.

But this doesn't solve problem of having no real pageroot. I've got
subdirectories in packages (like in OpenACS) that I would like to expose
at some URL prefixes. Fixed filesystem layout is essential for application
modularity and for code version control with CVS. I have no idea how to
manage it the other way.


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