On Fri, 21 May 2004, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:

> PHP works with AOLserver, at least some folks use it. I don't know how
> well maintained the bridge ist, nor if PHP can be compiled with 4.0, but
> supporting PHP would be absolutely no harm. I would think of it as the
> honeypot. It would allow people to use and maintain their (needed) PHP
> applications and let them eventually get used to TCL.

Yes, but it does not make sense. Why would you run AOLserver if you want
to run PHP-scripts? Even I run them on Apache. Supporting PHP might sound
comfortable to people, and it'll definately help them to run their
"legacy" scripts, but it is not what AOLserver is about. AOLserver can
only be used to it full potential if TCL is used.

The message to new users should be "Yes. You have to switch to TCL, but,
don't worry, we're sure you'll regret that you didn't do it before"
instead of "Switch to AOLserver, it's easy and nothing has to change for


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