On Tuesday 14 June 2005 10:44, Janine Sisk wrote:
> On Jun 14, 2005, at 1:12 AM, Tom Jackson wrote:
> > The question is what in Janine's code is calling the same thing N
> > times. This is the bug.
> I don't think it's in my code.  To make sure it's clear, here's the
> scenario:

Okay, so I tested the following with 4.0.10:

In the shared modules/tcl directory I placed a file err.tcl which
contained the following line:

error "test error for [ns_info server]"

I restarted the server and I got one error message per virtual server, in my
case three virtual servers.

Is it possible you are running multiple virtual servers from the same
AOLserver instance?

If not, you have a unique bug, since in my case I only get one per virtual
server, not one per thread.

BTW, isn't there a config file only method of rolling the logs? I think you
can specify the format of the filename as well, or am I just dreaming?

This is from my server setup, but it only covers the access log. If the same
works for the server.log, they are very likely the same named params, but in
ns/parameters section???

# Access Log Module
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/${module}"
ns_param   file
ns_param   enablehostnamelookup false
ns_param   logcombined          true
ns_param   logrefer             true
ns_param   loguseragent         true
ns_param   maxbackup            100
ns_param   rollday              *
ns_param   rollfmt              %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M
ns_param   rollhour             0
ns_param   rollonsignal         true
ns_param   rolllog              true

tom jackson

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