On Jun 14, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

Janine said that she is not using virtual servers.  However, the
behavior she's describing *only* makes sense if she were.

I'm not.  Certainly not intentionally, anyway.

Janine, could you do a quick test:
Do you get one log entry, or more than one?

I did this, and got only one entry.  So then I took a config file from
one of the sites that did this, hacked it up slightly to get it to use
the same locations for logs, etc as the sample, and tried that.  This
time I got two entries.  That's a surprising number since it's not
equal to maxthreads like it was before, but it's still more than

Ok, this is really weird.  I took my config file and started removing
things from it until it worked.  The line that causes the second load
of test.tcl is:

ns_param dbname(test)  test

This has been in my config files forever;  once upon a time it was used
by a backup script, but that script isn't even installed on this
system.  It's in the "ns/servers" section.  What makes no sense, of
course, is why this would affect anything.  there doesn't seem to be
any code referencing anything called dbname:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] aolserver]# cd /usr/local/src/aol*
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aolserver-4.0.10]# find . -type f -exec fgrep -l dbname {}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aolserver-4.0.10]# cd /usr/local/aolserver
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aolserver]# find . -type f -exec fgrep -l dbname {} \;

(test.tcl is my config file, so that's ok)

It's late and I'm tired, so I'm not going to do any more with this
tonight.  Tomorrow I will try this with a real site and verify that
it's still that line that causes the problem.


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