On Jul 19, 2005, at 2:42 PM, Dossy Shiobara wrote:

If you had accented characters (octets with the 8th bit set to 1) stored in the database under, then there is NO way the character set of
the database was US7ASCII.  If it was, then when the data was stored it
would have been transcoded to ?'s.

Yes way! :) I've verified it myself. Plus someone sent me this snippet from Metalink, which was posted by Oracle Support in response to someone with a similar problem:

"It is possible that conversion occured, depending on your data. US7ASCII is a 7-bit character set and it was only supported to use 7-bit characters, however, if 8-bit characters were entered into the database they would be stored (a common example would be the use of accent marks). This would cause conversion as defined by the NLS_LANG parameter. To avoid this, you need to set the NLS_LANG parameter to the target database value of: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1 before starting EXP/IMP."

So that's the step I skipped. It makes no sense to me - since imp reports that it is using WE8ISO8859P1 and there will be "possible data conversion" I would think that it would have worked, but apparently not.

You will need to re-exp the data setting NLS_CHARSET to WE8ISO8859P1
before doing the exp.  Then, imp it back in.

I have now been told every possible variation on what to set NLS_LANG to for each step. :) I haven't figured out which of the variations actually works.


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