* Jim Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050825 15:24]:
> 7. would also be good if something in the install helped build up the  
> server nsd.tcl config as well

I'm working on a simple nsd.tcl generation TCL script for the
Batteries Included AOLserver distribution. Maybe parts of this can be

> 8. finally, something should be done to rationalize the build of  
> modules included with aolserver and other modules -- right now  
> included modules benefit from source-directory build support, other  
> modules less so.

I had no problems building modules for the BIA distribution, so the
current version works well for me.

> And, sounds like folks are leaning toward the -rpath stuff being  
> mostly-good instead of mostly-bad?

I prefer the -rpath stuff over the LD_* option. Even if -rpaths are
set for a binary, you can still override these with the LD_*
variables on most Unices and Linux.

-- Olaff

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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