On Nov 18, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Hossein Sharifi wrote:

> Are you using AOLserver 4.5x on a 64-bit platform?  nsd will crash on 32-bit 
> platforms when memory usage (or log files) exceed 2GB.  I had to upgrade for 
> a similar issue involving memory usage.
> Although I think that it would be ideal to port the Naviserver code at some 
> point. 

No, I'm on a 32bit linux.  I guess the solution is to upgrade to a 64bit OS and 
have way more memory than the max file size.

I built naviserver today, with their spooler thread, and tested large file 
uploads.  Naviserver is very efficient at memory when handling the file upload, 
but it does hold the entire uploaded file in memory as it hands the file off to 
my form handler.  So, it has the same peak memory usage as aolserver, though it 
needs the peak memory for less time.  Still, not an optimal solution.


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