On Nov 19, 2009, at 8:56 AM, Tom Jackson wrote:

> There is a configuration setting which saves posted files to disk.
> You need the ns_limits maxupload to be large enough, then maxinput
> (not sure which config section) sets an upper limit for in memory
> data.

Yes, the naviserver people talked about that, but the problem is that then you 
get the raw data, that you need to do something with, rather than temporary 

I'm currently trying out naviserver, as they do seem to have solved the 
large-file-upload problem that aolserver has.  It's working for me, and nsd 
process size is staying at 50mb even with multiple gig file uploads being 

The main thing that naviserver has, that would probably work simply on 
aolserver, is a ns_parseformfile function, which parses the raw upload data in 
a memory efficient way. Here is what the code looks like:

set tmpfile [ns_conn contentfile]
ns_parseformfile $tmpfile $form [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] content-type]
array set formdata [ns_set array $form]

It might straightforward to copy the "ns_conn contentfile" and 
"ns_parseformfile" functions to aolserver to solve this problem.


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