Hi Igor,

thanks for your interest in the project.

The 'translate on the fly' option looks attractive, how do you plan to do
that? the other points of the scope you described look good but deeper
improvements would also be nice, what about the logging system? do you have
any interest in it? any ideas?


On 2 April 2011 16:46, Igor Chtivelband <igor.chtivelb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello ,here is my proposal for your judgement
> I am not familiar well with the rules and norms of this community,so if it
> seems funny...well...you are invited to laugh.
> Any feedback will be appreciated and considered by me thoroughly.
> Contact details
> Name:    Igor Chtivelband
> Email:     igor.chtivelb...@gmail.com
> Skype:    shtivelbus
> Why am I interested in machine translation?
> In modern world physical state borders became transparent and with help of
> WWW people from different parts of the world started to communicate and to
> share information , however the fact that this information is available in
> various languages often makes the communication and data sharing difficult.
> Personally I believe that machine translation can help us with over taking
> this barrier.
> Why am I interested in the Appertium project ?
> I loved the simplicity and clearness of Appertium project description,
> comparing  to other open-source projects it took me less time to
> understand what is the main  idea of the project, in addition I see the
> working demo and it seems good.
> What do I plan to do?
> Project title: Improvements to the Advanced Web Interface
> I would like to improve the user interface, make it more attractive,
> intuitive, improve the performance and make it browser-compatible.
> Why do I think I can do it?
> Talking about my skills I would like to divide them in 3  sections
> :education, working  experience and personal features.
> Education: These days I study for European Master on Software Engineering
> degree in Blekinge Tekniska Hogskola, Sweden. This programme is considered
> an elite programme leading to a double degree given by 2 different European
> Universities.
> My bachelor degree in Information Systems I received in Technion,Israel
> Institute of Technology - leading technological university in Israel.
> Working Experience: I worked for 4 years in Intel's development centre as
> information systems and  software developer. During this period I obtained
> a valuable experience both as individual developer and learned what is
> needed to be a good team player.
> As part of my job I developed web applications for the company internal
> needs and  had a chance to learn following relevant for this project
> technologies:
> HTML,CSS, Javascript, RIA (Flex,Silverlight),XML/XSL.
> Personal Features: I am disciplined (3  years military service) and
> ambitious person, thirsty for knowledge and motivated for new challenges. I
> never participated in open-source projects and I am interested to fill this
> gap.
> What is my availability during summer?
>  Studies of current semester will be ended on June 1st ,while the next
> semester I am going to start in Germany in October, thus I have a plenty of
> free time to be dedicated to the project. In addition as a master student I
> study frontally only few hours in a week ,so I can start to work on the
> project as soon as my participation is confirmed.
> What am I planning to do and what are time lines?
> Scope:
>    1. Make the web-site more attractive  - work on colors gamma and
>    composition, controls styles, etc.
>    1. Improve the performance, check the possibility to perform the
>    translation on the fly (Google style) and not after "translate" click.
>    2. Localization. The HTML should be generated according to clients
>    location (ip based?) and language should be easily switched using 
> "Language"
>    drop-down list.
>    3. Cross-browser support. Web-site should be tested in 5  leading
>    browser with option to add a support for mobile browsers.
>   What are my proposed time lines?
> Week 1:
>    - Final scope definition (together with mentor)
>    - Requirements definition (together with mentor)
>    - Configuration of source code environment (Check-in/check-out
>    routines) and learning the formal process of adding new code
> Week 2:
>    - Requirements prioritization
>    - Initial design
> Week 3:
>    - Design review with mentor
>    - Development of PoC for most important features
> Week 4:
>    - Development of PoC for most important features
> Deliverable #1 :design diagrams, working  pilot version with partial
> features
> Week 5:
>    - Detailed design
>    - Detailed design review with mentor
> Week 6:
>    - Coding
> Week 7:
>    - Coding
> Week 8:
>    - Coding
>    - Testing
> Deliverable #2: 80% of new features are implemented and work mostly
> correctly
> Week 9:
>    - Closing all gaps in code
> Week 10:
>    - Testing
>    - Bug fixing
> Week 11:
>    - Testing
>    - Bug fixing
>    - Release planning
> Week 12:
>    - Release
>    - Documentation
> Project completed: The new code was deployed to production. The
> documentation is available in the repository.
> Where can you read me CV?
> Here
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxmQ_CWrHLjvZTcxNDJhZmMtZGUzMy00YjdhLTllZWItZTdmZDUyMDYzZDY4&hl=en&authkey=CMK1-1E
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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