See my comments in the original text.

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Luis Villarejo <villar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Igor,
> On 2 April 2011 20:21, Igor Chtivelband <igor.chtivelb...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,Luis
>> 1) Without dividing deeply into design ,the main idea of "translate on the
>> fly" implementation can be having asynchronous calls from client to server
>> on "space" key strike event (or even on any key strike event,
> Unless you plan to overwrite translation results, you may need to wait
> until a full stop is found in the text since the translation is not done on
> a word per word basis.
That is exactly what I was thinking about - to overwrite the translation
result after every word.For example if you are trying to translate "Happy
new year" phrase - the requests from the client to the server will be sent 3
times and after getting the response,the whole result will be refreshed.

> depending on the time required to perform the translation and return the
>> result)  and refresh the result window without performing
>> the post-back. Bottom-line  - Ajax principle.
>> 2) I would be glad to implement logging system for web-site,that will
>> store the data regarding the localization of users,languages that were
>> translated,how much time did it take and even the translated texts.All these
>> can be used later for the analysis of typical user-profile and web-site
>> improvements. I think that for needs of such logging system DB tables are
>> more suitable than writing to the files,in order to fetch and analyze data
>> effectively.
> The term 'logging' stanading by its own is a little bit ambiguous. Let me
> explain what I think about when I use 'logging'  in the context of this web
> interface: The logging we are thinking on refers to the transformations the
> user makes to the text translated to Apertium. Tipically the translation is
> not 100% correct and the user makes use of the tools we have integrated in
> the web interface to polish the translation. Logging these changes we would
> have access to information on what things Apertium does incorrectly and how
> should be changed.

Ok,now I understand what you meant. Do you have this "polish" feature
deployed to web-site? I am asking because you say "we have integrated" ,but
I don't see such option in current version of the web site.

> Best,
> Luis
>> Best regards
>> Igor
>> On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Luis Villarejo <villar...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Igor,
>>> thanks for your interest in the project.
>>> The 'translate on the fly' option looks attractive, how do you plan to do
>>> that? the other points of the scope you described look good but deeper
>>> improvements would also be nice, what about the logging system? do you have
>>> any interest in it? any ideas?
>>> Best,
>>> Luis
>>> On 2 April 2011 16:46, Igor Chtivelband <igor.chtivelb...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>  Hello ,here is my proposal for your judgement
>>>> I am not familiar well with the rules and norms of this community,so if
>>>> it seems funny...well...you are invited to laugh.
>>>> Any feedback will be appreciated and considered by me thoroughly.
>>>> Contact details
>>>> Name:    Igor Chtivelband
>>>> Email:     igor.chtivelb...@gmail.com
>>>> Skype:    shtivelbus
>>>> Why am I interested in machine translation?
>>>> In modern world physical state borders became transparent and with help
>>>> of WWW people from different parts of the world started to communicate and
>>>> to share information , however the fact that this information is available
>>>> in various languages often makes the communication and data sharing
>>>> difficult. Personally I believe that machine translation can help us with
>>>> over taking this barrier.
>>>> Why am I interested in the Appertium project ?
>>>> I loved the simplicity and clearness of Appertium project description,
>>>> comparing  to other open-source projects it took me less time to
>>>> understand what is the main  idea of the project, in addition I see the
>>>> working demo and it seems good.
>>>> What do I plan to do?
>>>> Project title: Improvements to the Advanced Web Interface
>>>> I would like to improve the user interface, make it more attractive,
>>>> intuitive, improve the performance and make it browser-compatible.
>>>> Why do I think I can do it?
>>>> Talking about my skills I would like to divide them in 3  sections
>>>> :education, working  experience and personal features.
>>>> Education: These days I study for European Master on Software
>>>> Engineering degree in Blekinge Tekniska Hogskola, Sweden. This
>>>> programme is considered an elite programme leading to a double degree given
>>>> by 2 different European Universities.
>>>> My bachelor degree in Information Systems I received in Technion,Israel
>>>> Institute of Technology - leading technological university in Israel.
>>>> Working Experience: I worked for 4 years in Intel's development centre
>>>> as information systems and  software developer. During this period I
>>>> obtained a valuable experience both as individual developer and learned 
>>>> what
>>>> is needed to be a good team player.
>>>> As part of my job I developed web applications for the company internal
>>>> needs and  had a chance to learn following relevant for this project
>>>> technologies:
>>>> HTML,CSS, Javascript, RIA (Flex,Silverlight),XML/XSL.
>>>> Personal Features: I am disciplined (3  years military service) and
>>>> ambitious person, thirsty for knowledge and motivated for new challenges. I
>>>> never participated in open-source projects and I am interested to fill this
>>>> gap.
>>>> What is my availability during summer?
>>>>  Studies of current semester will be ended on June 1st ,while the next
>>>> semester I am going to start in Germany in October, thus I have a plenty of
>>>> free time to be dedicated to the project. In addition as a master student I
>>>> study frontally only few hours in a week ,so I can start to work on the
>>>> project as soon as my participation is confirmed.
>>>> What am I planning to do and what are time lines?
>>>> Scope:
>>>>    1. Make the web-site more attractive  - work on colors gamma and
>>>>    composition, controls styles, etc.
>>>>    1. Improve the performance, check the possibility to perform the
>>>>    translation on the fly (Google style) and not after "translate" click.
>>>>    2. Localization. The HTML should be generated according to clients
>>>>    location (ip based?) and language should be easily switched using 
>>>> "Language"
>>>>    drop-down list.
>>>>    3. Cross-browser support. Web-site should be tested in 5  leading
>>>>    browser with option to add a support for mobile browsers.
>>>>   What are my proposed time lines?
>>>> Week 1:
>>>>    - Final scope definition (together with mentor)
>>>>    - Requirements definition (together with mentor)
>>>>    - Configuration of source code environment (Check-in/check-out
>>>>    routines) and learning the formal process of adding new code
>>>> Week 2:
>>>>    - Requirements prioritization
>>>>    - Initial design
>>>> Week 3:
>>>>    - Design review with mentor
>>>>    - Development of PoC for most important features
>>>> Week 4:
>>>>    - Development of PoC for most important features
>>>> Deliverable #1 :design diagrams, working  pilot version with partial
>>>> features
>>>> Week 5:
>>>>    - Detailed design
>>>>    - Detailed design review with mentor
>>>> Week 6:
>>>>    - Coding
>>>> Week 7:
>>>>    - Coding
>>>> Week 8:
>>>>    - Coding
>>>>    - Testing
>>>> Deliverable #2: 80% of new features are implemented and work mostly
>>>> correctly
>>>> Week 9:
>>>>    - Closing all gaps in code
>>>> Week 10:
>>>>    - Testing
>>>>    - Bug fixing
>>>> Week 11:
>>>>    - Testing
>>>>    - Bug fixing
>>>>    - Release planning
>>>> Week 12:
>>>>    - Release
>>>>    - Documentation
>>>> Project completed: The new code was deployed to production. The
>>>> documentation is available in the repository.
>>>> Where can you read me CV?
>>>> Here
>>>> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxmQ_CWrHLjvZTcxNDJhZmMtZGUzMy00YjdhLTllZWItZTdmZDUyMDYzZDY4&hl=en&authkey=CMK1-1E
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Create and publish websites with WebMatrix
>>>> Use the most popular FREE web apps or write code yourself;
>>>> WebMatrix provides all the features you need to develop and
>>>> publish your website. http://p.sf.net/sfu/ms-webmatrix-sf
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>>> Create and publish websites with WebMatrix
>>> Use the most popular FREE web apps or write code yourself;
>>> WebMatrix provides all the features you need to develop and
>>> publish your website. http://p.sf.net/sfu/ms-webmatrix-sf
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>>> Apertium-stuff mailing list
>>> Apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/apertium-stuff
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Create and publish websites with WebMatrix
>> Use the most popular FREE web apps or write code yourself;
>> WebMatrix provides all the features you need to develop and
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>> Apertium-stuff mailing list
>> Apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/apertium-stuff
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