Perfect! And when could they be available in the website?
Currently, the old versions are working, which i.a. do not include cat to
ita and cat to por_br.

Missatge de Tino Didriksen <> del dia dv., 4 d’oct.
2019 a les 15:56:

> This is all fixed, and I have pushed new versions of all the core tools to
> Debian. They're working their way through the queues.
> -- Tino Didriksen
> On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 at 14:32, Hèctor Alòs i Font <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry, but which is the current situation of this thread? Is there still
>> an issue that prevents the publication of the new versions of cat-ita and
>> por-cat?
>> Hèctor
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