Maybe make trimming the default, but make apertium-init disable it for new

On Mon, May 25, 2020, 10:01 Tino Didriksen <> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 12:29, Xavi Ivars <> wrote:
>> * In the trimming disadvantages number 1, we're stating that we're OK
>> having crappy monodixes because we *fix* that later on with trimming.
>> I'm sure that's where we are now, but as a project that focuses a lot on
>> provided free (as in speech) language resources that are later used for
>> many other use cases, I don't feel comfortable with that status. I think we
>> should aim to have as correct as possible dictionaries. And if we did that,
>> disadvantage number 1 would be smaller (even if not disappearing
>> completely).
> This is critically important, in my opinion. Languages should be
> stand-alone and widely usable for many purposes. As I wrote on IRC, this a
> luxury problem. If the source analysis is bad, bloody well fix it so that
> all pairs, spell checker, and corpus work can take advantage. Don't let it
> remain a task for the pairs.
> The fact that trimming via bidix and target monodix is currently needed is
> a historical accident. It should not be something developers rely on going
> forward, and especially not for new pairs.
> -- Tino Didriksen
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