On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 at 17:50, Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> wrote:

> As far as I understand the objective is to be able
> to
> put the original surface form in the output translation as an unknown
> token
> instead of the lemma.
> ...
> I think that the appropriate way to deal with this is by coming up with
> a
> clear plan for the linguistic eventualities. I don't see that in the
> current
> proposal. I have been showing Tanmai through the creation of a new MT
> system,
> and we have been documenting these issues as they arise. I don't think
> it makes
> sense to start development before they have been resolved.

Those are important issues, but they're orthogonal to how to transport
secondary information through the pipe. Even at the earliest stages of the
proposal, it was expanded to be 1) Get secondary tags through the pipe. 2)
Use that ability to eliminate trimming. 3) Use the same ability for a
myriad of other things, such as markup handling.

The objections and worries to #2 is blocking #1. And #1 in itself has
multiple quirks that need handling, such as what should happen to secondary
information when tokens are merged/split. We need to implement and solve #1
first - be able to transport (and potentially manipulate) any amount of
data that might be needed to solve #2 and #3 and ... #9.

The strategy for surface form handling has little to do with how to
transport them. So let us implement the generic flexible transport in the
best way first, as was the plan. If it then turns out surface form handling
needs more or different data, at that point we will have the way to
transport it.

Even if you entirely object to the goal of eliminating trimming, the goals
of generic flexible secondary data and what they lead to is sufficiently
important for the project to go ahead. And nobody has to eliminate trimming
- but they should be allowed to.

-- Tino Didriksen
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