El 2020-06-14 11:51, Hèctor Alòs i Font escribió:
Missatge de Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> del dia dg., 14 de
juny 2020 a les 10:32:

El 2020-06-13 23:18, Jonathan Washington escribió:
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020, 16:05 Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com>

El 2020-06-13 19:31, Xavi Ivars escribió:
Before anything, let me say that I like the proposal to enhance
pipeline with more data (including, but not limited to the
forms), to be able to do properly do things that currently we're
in veeeery hacky (to me) and definitely non-linguistic ways

xavi@dell:~/src/apertium-spa$ echo "El mango" | apertium -d .


In this example, we "add" semantic information to the pipeline
disambiguate via CG3) by creating a "fake lemma" needed for
because "mango<n>" (pan stick) and "mango_fruta<n>" are
differently in Catalan. But this, in turn, forces every other
pair using Spanish to know about "mango_fruta<n>" even if the
translation was the same as "mango<n>".

What is the problem here? That "mango" has two possible lemmas
in Spanish?

The way that I've treated that is to have mango¹ and mango²,
in a
traditional dictionary. I don't think that this requires any


I think Xavi's point is that there are a number of ways to
this, and having the option of another stream to put this extra
information could be one of them.  Imho, it is nicer in many ways
even having (very arbitrary) superscripts (that aren't really any
better to have in a morphological analysis than _fruta).

It's following what the lexicographers do:


So it's following a fairly established practice.


As far as I understand the mango's issue, Xavi is contemplating the
possibility of a semantic module which would add extra information
that may be used by other models (especially by the lexical selection
one) to add information about "mango". This could be used for
distinguishing between a handle or a fruit, but in fact not only.
"Mango" can be the fruit and the plant. One could eventually add what
kind of handle it is, e.g. in the RAE dictionary provided by Fran's
the handle of a knife is specifically distinguished among other
handles. As Xavi shows, this extra information could be added so that
it can be ignored by pairs who don't need it. It seems clear that the
solution based on being able to add any additional secondary
information is more versatile, instead of "_fruta", "_2" and the like.

Moreover, in the lexical selection we have lots of lists like "fruit",
"building", "person", "device", etc. (and if we don't it this because
of a lack of time for writing them). It would be easier if a module
like the one Xavi imagines could add this kind of information and it
could be moved through the pipeline.

I am not a technician, nor am I a computer linguist. I don't know, nor
do I understand, the implications of Tanmai and Tino's proposals in
terms of system performance. But, from the point of view of someone
with some experience in developing Apertium language pairs, I would
love some tool that would allow adding semantic information to the

Other kind of contextual information that would also be useful for me
are things like the type of publication (a chat between friends or a
medical encyclopedia?), the dialect, the year of publication, etc. It
would go very well for both lexical selections and, sometimes, for
transfer rules.

I don't know if this has helped the discussion at all or... si he
pixat completament fora de test.

Thanks for the comments Hèctor. I think that this kind of information could certainly be useful in the pipeline. But I think that determining how it should
be added and where it should be added is a separate issue.

What would a "semantic tagging" module look like, would it be rule based? statistical? where would the data come from? I could imagine using Wikipedia
to extract it.

I have no objections to the development of a well-specified and well-designed module
for doing semantic tagging.


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