Missatge de Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> del dia dl., 15 de juny
2020 a les 17:26:

> [...]
> And pass it to the lexical selection module which will choose the
> one with the highest weight.
> This would mean a new module, but it would require only minor
> changes to the bilingual dictionary and lexical selection, and
> wouldn't have any effect on transfer.
> [...]

The difference between your approach and mine is that your proposal is
extremely coupled to the order of the modules in the pipeline. The new
module would write <2.0> and apertium-lex-tools would need to read and
remove it from the pipeline.

Ideally, I'd like to decouple setting the "domain" of a word from using it.
If something just after tagger, still as part of the "analysis" phase of
the translation, puts that information in there, then it can be used by
"lex-tools", but also by other modules that may need it. If we don't do
this, multiple modules may need to read the "domain list" data to assign
the right domain to a given word.

< Xavi Ivars >
< http://xavi.ivars.me >
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