Dear Apertiumers:

About 10 days ago I wrote a message asking for apertiumers to volunteer in evaluating sets of 150 bilingual dictionary entries. We still need more evaluators.

We need two more evaluators for Esperanto–English, two more for French–Catalan and one for Occitan–French.

Please contact our GSoC student Shashwat Goel <> if you can help.

Thanks a million!

All the best

Mikel Forcada

[New] En - Es - Assigned to Hector, Mikel, Jorge. More people not required
[New] En - Ca - Assigned to Hector, Mikel. One more person would be helpful.
Eo - En - Done by Hector. Two more people would be helpful.
Fr - Ca - Done by Hector. Two more people would be helpful.
Oc - Fr - Done by Serge. Assigned to Gisele. One more person would be helpful.

Mikel L. Forcada
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Office: +34 96 590 9776

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